You can ring Kiwi Recovery on (09) 948-6920. Cars that have been towed can be retrieved from 230 Symonds Street, Eden Terrace, Auckland 1023
Call out charges are $100 for first time offence, $300 for second and $500 for the third offence.
Please contact the building manager at least 24 hours before moving in. You will be advised exactly where your moving truck should park, and you are responsible for ensuring that they park in this spot. Do NOT under any circumstances block access to private car parks.
This is complicated. Sometimes unit owner, sometimes the body corporate. Please ask your body corporate chair.
Please advise the building manager at least 24 hours before, especially if there is the potential for disturbing your neighbours, and if you they need a carpark for more than 3 hours.
As Beaumont Quarter matures owners will be looking to make some level of modifications to the exterior of their property including the private external areas. Proposed external changes may have an impact, to various extents, on other units or the look and feel and overall character of Beaumont Quarter.
This document provides a unified site-wide approach across Beaumont Quarter and sets out a clear process to work through along with the responsibilities for all involved. It also gives some guidance of what can and can’t be done to prevent proposed modifications from affecting not just immediate neighbours, but the development as a whole in an adverse way.